Saturday, December 5, 2020

Angelfish: Keeping and breeding angelfish in the aquarium

Specimens of the Angelfish species are among the most beautiful fish to be found in freshwater bodies throughout the tropics of South America and are adored by fish fans.

It has an extremely elegant and majestic shape; it stands out for the large and majestic dorsal fins that the Angel Fish boasts so proudly, it has great ability to swim quickly.

On the other hand, captive specimens manage to develop fins of much larger dimensions than those of individuals in their natural environment; something highly sought after by breeders to reproduce them for decorative purposes.

Common name: Angelfish.

Scientific name: Pterophyllum Scalare.

Family: Chichlid.

Origin: South America.

Shape: Triangular, Large fins.

Size: 15cm.

Reproduction: Sexual, through eggs.

Coloring: Extremely varied.

Sex differences: Unknown.

Temperature: 24 to 30ºC

Water conditions: Fresh, pH 6.0-8.0

Behavior: Territorial, temperamental.

Care for the Angelfish.

To maintain good care for the Angelfish, you have to keep the aquarium in which it lives at an average temperature of between 24 and 30ºC; in general, this species is friendly with other fish as long as they are not the same species.

On the other hand, his tankmates must always be of a similar size, because no matter how difficult it is to believe, if they are smaller than him, he will try to eat them; on the other hand, he will constantly fight with individuals of the same species.

The common ailments of the AngelFish.

The most common of the conditions that this species of fish tends to present are the white spots along its body; these spots are actually a parasite residing in the fish's body.

This is one of the common ailments of the Angel Fish, those who contract it will withdraw from the others, and their mobility will be reduced since it will be difficult for them to breathe; in the long term, this parasite could end up consuming their life.

How to prevent your Angelfish from getting an infection.

To prevent your Angelfish from getting an infection, you must keep its water in excellent condition, with a great system to filter impurities from the water, and also change the water regularly.

When acquiring an Angel Fish, it will be extremely important that it be kept alone for a time so that it can adapt and be evaluated if it has any kind of infection that could affect other individuals.


Angelfish: Keeping and breeding angelfish in the aquarium

Specimens of the  Angelfish  species are among the most beautiful fish to be found in freshwater bodies throughout the tropics of South Amer...